Comedy N°7 Preview 1
Comedy N°7 Preview 2

Comedy N°7


All comments remain visible. Comments are displayed in blue, while Inline Comments are purple. Color of Marked text is white (background is purple)
Comments can be printed as stage directions with a second Ulysses stylesheet (will be added soon) - without the rest of the text.

Wide right margin (7

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All comments remain visible. Comments are displayed in blue, while Inline Comments are purple. Color of Marked text is white (background is purple)
Comments can be printed as stage directions with a second Ulysses stylesheet (will be added soon) - without the rest of the text.

Wide right margin (7 cm) for handwritten annotations.

Special divider "⚫️"

Original German Description:

Kommentare sind alle sichtbar. Kommentarblöcke in blau. Inline-Kommentare in „Pflaume“. Markierter (Hintergrund in „Pflaume“) Text mit Schriftfarbe weiß.

Kommentare können mit einem zweiten Ulysses Stylesheet (kommt in Kürze) - ohne den normalen Text - gedruckt werden um als Regieanweisungen zu dienen.

Spezial Trenner „⚫️“

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